Opening hours

Grotto and museum

Tuesday until Sunday from 12.00 p.m. - 5 p.m.


Public holidays


For spending half an hour in the Grotto, please reserve your time online or

call us.


Office hours

Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 11.30 a.m. +41 56 424 20 60


Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus

Entrance fee


Entrance fee

CHF 14.-, adults

CHF 5.-, children from 6-16 years, under 6 years free of charge



We accept Credit-, Bank- or Postcards, TWINT. Cash in CHF.

Train connection

S6 from Zurich to Würenlos

Bus connection

Bus No. 1 from Baden to Würenlos

By car

Please click on the link

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